Monday, October 28, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Here is a little something i have been working on... This This I did before i had to change cameras, I have been using this pattern alot lately.... I like it.
Ok I have not been posting my products lately. I have been having trouble with photos. My kodak camera which is in great condition i cannot use anymore because somehow I'm missing a dll file in my computer. So i bought a vivitar camera for fifty bucks marked down from 100 dollars. I read the instructions, I use it properly but the images come out blurry. Then i misplaced that stupid camera for weeks. cursing it but wanting it back. Then i found it in a weird spot. Soooo I am working on how to make optimal photos. And hopefully will be posting new items soon. I have been making new products but i lose focus.. literally. My eyesight is waning from I think complications due to my diabetes. (because its happening so quickly) IN the last several months i feel as if i have lost more that 50 percent of my vision. Thats really bad for me because i like to do seedbead work.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013